Creative defilement
We use a.i to make content and we also make adult videos and clips for adult websites and help with promo on non-adult sites to build your fanbase. send us an email juliuscreator1234@gmail.com​
Our Services
Basic - $150-250
45 minutes with a professional escort. of course you can have protected sex and much more but it's less intimate and no pretending. no testing needed.
GFE $250-350
This is more intimate and the girl will do what most grilfriends would do, that being said we aim to protect our staff, if you want this level, get tested as it involves some cum.
PSE or bare back $500
As in most porn or most relationships, no condoms and used, that being said you run the risk of pregnancy, stis and hiv. if you want to engage in this you will need have an sti test, hiv and have a vesectomy.